Hovedgaden 56, Nordby

6720 Fanø

Worth A Look

Fano - a natural gem in the Wadden Sea National Park

Fano is just completely unique – because you have an huge opportunity to get great nature experiences. Fano is 13 km long and only 56 km2 in size. About 3500 citizens live on the island – all year round.

Fano is amber, beach, kites, seal and oyster safari, crab hunting, kite-buggy, surf, kayaking, seafaring stories, specialties, local produce, nature experiences, culture, art, football golf, mini golf, golf, fishing trips, late-night and much more. 

Vores strand er fantastisk. Der er plads til udfoldelser af enhver art. Boldspil, drageflyvning, kite-buggy – listen er lang. Du kan cykle eller køre langs stranden fra Fanø Bad og til Sønderho som er Fanø`s sydligste by – en strækning på ca. 8-9 km på en kridhvid sandstrand.

Midt på øen findes Fanø Klitplantage og skov. Mange tager til Fanø for at vandre og cykle rundt.

Here there is the most amazing forest playground. Plenty of room to frolic on. Here it is possible to light up the grill and sit cozy under the roof.

På øen er der indhegnede hundeskove.

It is also possible to sleep in shelters.

Fano has many deer and wild rabbits. It is not unusual for you to see deer in the streets of Nordby and Sonderho early in the morning. 

TAKE CARE!!! Suddenly, folly animals may appear on the roads. To avoid collisions – feel free to slow down.

You can go on a fantastic hike to the seal bank in Sonderho, where a lot of seals live.

It is just 50 meters from The Blue Guesthouse to the harbor, from where you can see seals lying and enjoying themselves at low tide – on a small reef by the harbor.

Nordby is the largest and northernmost town on the island, where the ferry from Esbjerg docks. The crossing takes just 12 minutes.

Sonderho is the island's southernmost island. A beautiful little town which is well worth a visit. Here there are specialized stores, such as “the silk” and “Wool joiner”.

In Sonderho you will also find Sonderho Kro – a good and delicate eatery. But there are plenty of other places to eat. We recommend that a table is booked prior to arrival if it is high season.

The beach is great after all. It's long and wide and you can ride a bike out there. If you choose to drive by car, it is recommended to drive in the spurs. One can quickly get stuck.

There are many nature experiences on Fano. 

Fano tourist office pby the harbor of Nordby is so nice to help.

Mid-June every year – a Dragon Festival is held on the beach. For many days, the sky is filled with the most special and beautiful dragons from many different countries. It's a very beautiful sight.

Primo juli måned er der altid Fannikker-dage. Her fremvises Fanø´s nationaldragt – i alle afskygninger – med folkemusik og dans som tilbehør.
