Hovedgaden 56, Nordby

6720 Fanø


There are many nature experiences on Fano.

Kunne du tænke dig en tur til Fanø, hvor roen er i centrum, så burde du komme til Fanø. En vidunderlig lille perle midt i Vadehavet som giver balsam til sjælen. 

Vi har rigtig meget at byde på. Stranden er een af Danmarks bedste af slagsen. Her kan du finde rav, muslinger og ellers nyde den storslående vestkyst. 

Man må godt køre i bil på stranden og faktisk kan man køre i bil fra den Fanø Bad og helt til Sønderho.

Many people find amber – especially after a storm or more windy weather.

We have an exceptionally beautiful forest playground in the forest in the middle of the island. The one made by various artists. There are shelters, toilets, and barbecue area out there.

Then we have some lovely "heart paths" that you can follow on your trips.

The forest – in the middle of the island – is worth a walk.

“Fuglekøjen” – reservat for fugle.

Seal dog safari at Sønderho.

Alverdens speciel forretninger som forhandler lokale specialiteter og kunsthåndværk.

Fantastisk lækre restauranter med lokale specialiteter.

On the 1st weekend of July, “Fanniker Days” are held on Fano. A weekend that gathers islanders and tourists for dancing and music.

Der er indtil flere festivaller på Fanø. En meget populær en er “Vesterland” i september.

We also have REALEN on Fano. A multi-music venue where highly engaged people do big events with well-known musicians, standup, and other artists. Among them the singer Johnny Madsen. Johnny Madsen is a prolific painter and exhibits and sells his paintings from his small annex next to REALEN.

100 meters from the guesthouse here you can see seals at low tide on the banks in the harbor.

There are various events around the island in July and August and September.

Specialty outlets with amazing specialties. Fano Brewhouse is very visited and has some fantastic beers.

Delicious restaurants serving local specialties from the local Fano.

There are various activities on Fano. We have suit museum, sailors` museum and lots of art exhibitions.

You can always contact Fano Tourist Office for further information.
