Hovedgaden 56, Nordby

6720 Fanø

Private room in the guesthouse

Private room on thr 1st floor af the guesthouse

Our room on the 1st floor of the guest house is independent of our guest house which is located on the ground floor.

Der serveres ikke morgenmad.

Dogs are not allowed in this room.

Ankomst efter klokken 16 og afrejse inden klokken 11.

To get to the room you must go up to the large south-facing balcony.

Prisen er 475 kroner for 2 personer pr. nat.

The price includes linen and towel.

There is a shared shower / toilet with the household which consists of 3 people.

There are 2 single beds, fridge, kettle, cutlery, cups and plates and TV in the room.

The room is located so you do not have to go through our private area.

When you get up on our lovely south-facing balcony you go directly to the right where the room is located.

We live on the left, where there is a smaller staircase up to.

The room is located right next to a large toilet / shower which is shared with the household (3 people).

There is no access to the kitchen - but there is a refrigerator in the room.

The rental should be seen as an alternative to a quick overnight stay or two. You do not have the opportunity to cook hot food or any other form of cooking.

But there is a fantastic patio and free use of our large south-facing balcony, where you can sit undisturbed and read, drink coffee, or eat.

Unfortunately, you cannot bring a dog if you want this room.


Reviews of the room:

- If you just need a bed, it is super ideal for the purpose.

–  Nu er jeg ofte på Fanø. Jeg har boet i “Kromanns kammer” på 1. sal flere gange. Prisen er SÅ fin. Man får ikke noget mere ordentligt for 475 kr. pr. nat for 2 personer.

– Dejligt værelse med adgang til super altan og kæmpe badeværelse som er nydeligt.

– Ingen problemer med at dele toilet/bad med Martin og Lone. De er alligevel ikke så meget hjemme.

- Informal and cozy tone with Martin and Lone - and the cleaning is in order

– Selvom det er et privat værelse i husets tilbygning- er man sig selv.

– Super fed altan, hvor vi fik et glas vin og nyd aften med tæppe omkring benene.

– Fint ordentligt værelse til billige penge. Kanon terrasse.

-Man kommer vel ikke til Fanø for at sidde på et værelse og glo tv. Man er ude og nyde Fanø, så super sted at overnatte.
